7 Reasons To Consider Hormone Replacement Therapy

The human body has more than 50 different types of hormones: specialized chemicals that regulate a range of essential bodily functions. Endocrine glands create and distribute hormones throughout your body, maintaining a balance of hormones to keep you feeling your best.
But sometimes, endocrine glands create too little or too much of certain hormones. Anyone can suffer from hormonal imbalance, and it gets more common with age. Men and women alike experience declining sex hormones as they get older, and this fluctuation can lead to a range of bothersome symptoms.
The good news? Hormone replacement therapy is a personalized treatment plan to rebalance your hormone levels and help you feel like yourself again.
Our medical team at Endocrine Associates of West Village specializes in hormone therapy. We’re here to help you recognize some of the most common signs of hormonal imbalance, so you can decide if it’s time to consider hormone replacement therapy.
1. Low sex drive
Your sex drive is how interested you are in sex. Also called libido, sex drive is highly personal and different for everyone. It’s normal for your sex drive to vary, but a sharp drop or other sudden change could indicate a hormonal imbalance.
2. Vaginal dryness (for women)
The two main female sex hormones are estrogen and progesterone. When women enter menopause, these hormones decline significantly — often leading to symptoms like vaginal dryness, itching, and pain with sexual intercourse. In some cases, vaginal dryness and low sex drive can also make it difficult or impossible to achieve orgasm.
3. Erectile dysfunction (for men)
The main male sex hormone is testosterone, and testosterone levels naturally decline after a man turns 30. If testosterone drops too low, erectile dysfunction (ED) could develop. Men with ED struggle to get and maintain an erection that’s firm enough for sexual intercourse.
4. Hot flashes
Another classic sign of hormonal imbalance is hot flashes. Hot flashes are intense waves of heat that appear out of nowhere, flushing your face and neck and making you sweat profusely. When hot flashes happen at night, they’re called night sweats.
5. Mood swings
Hormones also play a role in regulating your mood. If you have a hormonal imbalance, you might be irritable or quick to anger. Hormonal imbalance may also increase your risk of depression or anxiety in some cases. Some people also experience difficulty concentrating.
6. Weight gain
Your metabolism gradually slows as you get older, making it more difficult to maintain a healthy weight. However, a hormonal imbalance could make it even harder. Hormone-related body changes often include weight gain and loss of muscle mass.
7. Fatigue
Your hormones influence your energy level and sleep cycles, so a hormonal imbalance could leave you feeling tired all the time. Chronic fatigue and insomnia are two common symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women and men.
Not everyone experiences all the same symptoms of hormonal imbalance, but it’s no secret that the condition can significantly impact your wellbeing. If any of these symptoms sound familiar, consider visiting our team at Endocrine Associates of West Village for a hormonal evaluation.
We work to identify the cause of your symptoms, and we can recommend treatment based on your diagnosis. Hormone replacement therapy is an effective option for many people, and your dosage is tailored to meet your needs.
While on a hormone replacement therapy plan, our team monitors your condition. We adjust your treatment as needed, so you continue enjoying relief from your most bothersome symptoms.
Request your first appointment online or call our offices in Long Island City and New York, New York, to learn more.
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