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I'm Struggling To Lose Weight

I'm Struggling To Lose Weight

Trying to lose weight? You’re not alone. Nearly half of all American adults share the goal of shedding extra pounds each year.

If you’re overweight or obese, losing weight can have significant health benefits. It can lower your risk of chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease, not to mention the confidence boost it can provide. But it’s no secret that losing weight and keeping it off long-term isn’t easy.

Successful weight loss is possible at Endocrine Associates of West Village, and you don’t have to do it alone. Our team of metabolic specialists, nutritionists, and physical trainers provide personalized weight loss plans to help you finally achieve your weight loss goals.

The science behind successful weight loss

Metabolism is the natural bodily process that converts food into energy. Your metabolism takes calories from the foods and drinks you consume and transforms those calories into energy that fuels your body.

Your body uses (burns) calories all the time, even when you’re resting. The average person burns about 1,800 calories every day, because that’s about how much energy an adult body requires just to stay alive.

The exact amount of calories you burn on any given day depends on a few factors, like:

The basics of weight loss, weight gain, and weight maintenance lie in your metabolism. If you consume roughly the same amount of calories that you burn each day, your weight stays about the same over time.

However, if you regularly consume more calories than you burn, you will gain weight over time. Your metabolism still converts those extra calories into energy, but your body doesn’t burn it. Instead, it stores that extra energy in fat cells.

Losing weight requires consuming fewer calories than you burn. This creates a calorie deficit, your body starts using the extra energy stored in your fat cells, and you begin to lose weight.

It might sound simple, but a lot goes into losing weight. You must eat a balanced, nutritious diet that’s low in calories. You need regular physical exercise, and you need to commit to sustained lifestyle changes to keep the weight off.

Plus, pre-existing health conditions like diabetes can interfere with your body’s metabolism and make it more difficult to achieve lasting weight loss. Other factors, like hormonal imbalance, can also affect your ability to lose weight, even if you follow a healthy diet and exercise plan.

Get personalized support with a medical weight loss program

Successful weight loss takes knowledge, dedication, and support. With medical weight loss at Endocrine Associates of West Village, you don’t have to figure it out alone.

We help adults of all ages who have extra weight to lose. Our weight loss program starts with a comprehensive health check. We do a full physical exam and blood work to identify any conditions that could be contributing to your weight challenges.

Your health assessment may include a review of your:

We can recommend treatment for health issues affecting weight loss, including diabetes management and hormone optimization therapy. Then, we develop a personalized weight loss program to help you achieve your goals.

Our registered dietician works with you to create an eating plan that ensures you have an ongoing calorie deficit and you still get the vital nutrients your body needs. We have personal trainers on staff to help you start and maintain an exercise plan to increase your calorie burn.

You maintain regular appointments throughout the program, where we track your progress and encourage accountability. Along the way, you have access to our medical team to answer your questions and adjust your program if needed.

When you have extra weight to lose, we can help you get there. Start your personalized weight loss journey with a consultation at Endocrine Associates of West Village. Call our offices or request an appointment online now.

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