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Understanding the Two Main Types of Thyroid Disorders

 Understanding the Two Main Types of Thyroid Disorders

Your thyroid is a small but powerful gland that makes the hormones your body needs to function optimally. When the gland isn’t working correctly, it can lead to a thyroid disorder and a range of symptoms that negatively affect your quality of life.

At Endocrine Associates of West Village PC, we specialize in diagnosing and treating thyroid disorders. Anastasios Manessis, MD, FACE, ECNU, ABOM, and our experienced medical team focus on restoring your thyroid function so you feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Our team also provides the educational resources you need to manage life with a thyroid disorder.

How your thyroid works

Your thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland at the front of your neck. The gland makes triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) hormones, the chemical messengers of the body that regulate many of your biological functions, including:

Dysfunction in your thyroid gland can lead to symptoms that affect your physical, mental, and emotional wellness. 

Thyroid disorders can occur in people of all ages but are more common in women, especially in women over 60 and those who have transitioned into their postmenopausal years.

What to know about thyroid disorder

Two main types of thyroid disorder affect adults and children, including:


Hyperthyroidism is a condition where your thyroid gland makes too many hormones. Excess hormone production causes your body to use energy too quickly, which can lead to persistent fatigue, rapid heartbeat, anxiety, and unintended weight loss.


Hypothyroidism describes a thyroid gland that doesn’t make enough hormones to support your biological functions. Too little thyroid hormone can lead to weight gain, tiredness, and an inability to tolerate cold temperatures.

Risk factors for both types of thyroid disorders include having a family history of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Conditions like Type 1 diabetes, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis can also increase your risk for thyroid disorder.

Understanding your treatment options for thyroid disorder

Our team at Endocrine Associates of West Village PC specializes in the ongoing management of thyroid disorders and offers several treatment options based on your type of disorder.

Treatment for hypothyroidism typically involves taking daily thyroid hormone medications for the rest of your life. Medications help reduce the frequency and severity of the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

If you have hyperthyroidism, our providers can prescribe medications to relieve your symptoms. In severe cases, you might need radioactive iodine treatment to kill cells in your thyroid to decrease the number of hormones the gland produces.  Surgery to remove your thyroid gland may also be necessary if nonsurgical therapies aren’t working well.

Our endocrinologists continue to monitor your overall health during follow-up visits to ensure your symptoms are well-controlled and your quality of life is high. We can also provide resources to help you optimize your hormone levels naturally through diet, exercise, and other lifestyle improvements.

Call the Endocrine Associates of West Village PC office near you today to schedule a diagnostic evaluation for thyroid disorder symptoms or book an online appointment.

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