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Paulina Maldonado, NP

Nurse Practitioner located in Long Island City and Astoria, Long Island City, NY & Murray Hill, New York, NY

About Maldonado

Paulina Maldonado is a Bilingual Nurse Practitioner in LIC, New York. She graduated with a Master’s in Advanced Practice Nursing with honors from New York University in 2012, with a specialization in Adult/Geriatric care. Ms. Maldonado has been working in the hospital and healthcare industry since 2006. Her hobbies include travel and international cuisine.

Paulina Maldonado, NP

Paulina Maldonado is a Bilingual Nurse Practitioner in LIC, New York. She graduated with a Master’s in Advanced Practice Nursing with honors from New York University in 2012, with a specialization in Adult/Geriatric care. Ms. Maldonado has been working in the hospital and healthcare industry since 2006. Her hobbies include travel and international cuisine.

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Most major insurances accepted

Kindly call the office, should you have any questions or concerns.

1199 National Benefit Fund
Allied Benefit Systems
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Empire Plan
Fidelis Care
Health First
Health Plus